The secret gallery’s blog

Maybe the first secret gallery in Doolin, Co. Clare, Ireland

Posts Tagged ‘walking

Peace and The Little Prince

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The night before last, I was told to “go and make some art” by James, my husband. It is great to have such encouragement to do the things I really want to do but often don’t do on my own.  I have been thinking about the land art project we are doing along the walking routes in the Burren and North Clare, so I went over to the turf basket and started playing around with bits of turf! (one of the walks is on a bog road) First I created this peace sign inspired by James. I have been reading the children “The Little Prince”. I really love the book, it influenced the little stars which I cut out of banana skins.







Banana skin stars on turf in the Secret Gallery between Doolin and The Cliffs of Moher.

Some of the reasons that I put little yellow stars on turf may be because:

I have been reading “The Little Prince”.

The following day we had a conversation with our friend, she was talking about it being the time of stars, as they have more effect on us, maybe because we see the stars more as it gets dark earlier. It is also the time of year that there are more shooting stars.

Stars are very big compared to pieces of turf yet they are similar; the turf is a tiny nugget of the earth which is a planet too.

I remember night time bog walks as a child looking up at the stars.

Apparently there may be some moon dust on the earth after they crash into the moon. I hope it does not upset things too much on the moon or for us as a consequence of us interfering with the mighty Moon.

Maybe because it was playful, and I liked the contrast of the smooth banana skins and the rough turf. Who knows!

Peace to all

Written by Marianne Slevin

9 October, 2009 at 11:02 am

Land Art on the natural walking routes around North Clare

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Yesterday, I handed in a proposal for a collaborative exhibition and site specific art works, so fingers crossed, some time next year when the heather is in bloom there will be Art works in all sorts of wild and wonderful places. Myself and my husband James Slevin, are going to be working on it together so I am very excited! We will be fusing organic with technology! I am really looking forward to working with James on it, I think that it is going to be really interesting to see what we make. Making a deadline on time is always a great feeling. Though I was like a angry rat yesterday trying to get it done! I am not sure when we will hear back but the best remedy for that is to apply for another exhibition straight away so I am not focusing all my attention and hopes on it.

Today, I went on one of the natural walking routes that we are planning to make some art on. I often go horse riding there as it is the only place near by that I can ride off the road. It is a bog road, it is really beautiful and so removed from the road a couple of kilometres away. I took some photographs and got some inspiration, I brought back some natural materials to work with including heather, bog oak, red grass and turf.

The photographs were taken with an old film camera, which is a lovely change from using digital, but sorry no images for now. I took some photographs of the stacks of turf. This year I spent a very short time stacking turf with a friend and it was such lovely satisfying feeling. I also make two hay cocks myself with hay I hand turned, this was really enjoyable for me. Now I go around with a scissors and cut roadside grass for Maya the horse. I guess I am a country girl!

We are saddened by the lack of off road walks for people walking and riding horses, so we want to try to do something to get more trails made. Even The Burren Way  goes quite a distance on the road, this is sad when the landscape is so beautiful and the roads are so dangerous.

Written by Marianne Slevin

3 October, 2009 at 10:55 pm

Walking the Burren Way

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Photograph taken on the Burren Way February 2009

I love being somewhere in nature where I turn a full circle and don’t see a house. This photograph was taken during one of these times, I had a few of these moments along the Burren way. A couple of weeks ago I walked the  Burren way from our house to Ballyvaughan and back again, it took three days and each day I walked 20kms or slightly more, I never like to say I have walked less then I actually have!

I slept in a tent for the two nights, the first night when I set up camp in a field with a bull and family and had to move just as it was starting to get dark! I found another place to camp, I think it might have been a fairy ring, it was full of cow poo but I found an area just big enough for the tent in between them!


This photograph was taken after a very steep climb from the road out of Ballyvaughan. A dog decided to be my guide, a bit like the self employed guides in Marrakech who pretend they are not guiding you but keep turning up casually as if you both just happened to be going the same way!

The Burren Way is a wonderful walk apart from the bits on the  busier roads, and the fact that you have to buy expensive bottled water. Apart from there being a lovely water fountain in Ballyvaughan I could not find any where else to get water. This was one of  the great things about the Camino de Santiago, there are “fuentes” (fountains) every 2 or 3 hours walk apart, so you don’t have to carry much water. If only the Burren way took a month to walk too!

Written by Marianne Slevin

6 March, 2009 at 10:34 am

Braving the elements!

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Sitting in the rain

Oil on canvas December 2008


Changing a baby in a field

Oil on canvas September 2008


Both of these small paintings relate to my own life, the first of pre-motherhood and the latter since having children. They are both partly to do with living more outside, travelling without a fixed home and travellers. I like to put unlikely scenarios into my work. Crossing time-lines and continents, I am drawn to taking some aspects of the past, such as how the woman is dressed and adding contemporary elements such as the traffic cones. To me it is important to be playful; I have to remind myself not to take my self so seriously! I like these lighthearted moments in life. As in the top painting sitting happily in the rain, this painting was from a memory of mine while James and I were walking the Camino de Santiago and then on to in the south Spain, we stopped for a rest , it was pouring rain and even the mat I sat on was covered in water, it was a very happy memory though! For 4 months I, and longer James, lived outside rarely sleeping indoors, either sleeping in a tent or even just in a sleeping bag on the ground, or even a band-stand! washing outside, eating outside, it felt great but now I am very grateful for having a house! 

Written by Marianne Slevin

28 December, 2008 at 3:52 pm

Walking the Green Road

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Yesterday morning I walked the old green Road, or at least some of it, between Fanore and Ballyvaughan. I noticed as I walked over the extremely uneven ground while looking up and around me, my feet knew how to place themselves on the earth, is this not a little strange, can our feet detect the lay of the land? I tested myself and made sure I could not see the what surface my feet would land on, it felt like they somehow knew how to land on the unpredictable surface of small rocks and earth I started running and it was amazing I still did not fall! I am not saying that it a larger bolder was in front of me that I would not run into it, but I believe that it is more then just our finely tuned bodies. The more logical among you will say that this is what our bodies are designed to do and it is nothing to do with anything metaphysical. I believe that it is both our physical bodes and our metaphysical bodies.I have been set the challenge of proving it! To me it is not only logical but impossible not to be so if we are indeed all part of the same thing, my finger knows what my hand is doing so why should not a person know where the surface of the earth is?

I enjoyed singing out loud, and watching the stone walls, they looked so playfully built; not formal but inventive and ever changing. I thought about leaving our sons sunglasses looking out through the hole in the wall, but decided that I better not leave something that would turn into litter even if it started off as art! I have been attempting to be much more playful in every day living including my art. I looked down the hill and saw a huge ledge of rock like a cart and was not sure if I saw or imagined a cart wheel where one should be if it were really a cart! I have been listening to lots of lectures by the late Alan Watts and really enjoying them. James my partner, started me off on them and now I think they are great, and very funny! I would really recommend them.

Written by Marianne Slevin

9 November, 2008 at 4:30 pm