The secret gallery’s blog

Maybe the first secret gallery in Doolin, Co. Clare, Ireland

Journeys to the Ibex Beach Doolin

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I asked myself what would happen if I went to the Ibex (Doolin) Beach and did something for it and not look for anything in return. So I went with some sacks to carry back some plastic that I could wash and recycle. I had been getting driftwood and always seemed to be taking from the beach and not giving back. As I climbed over the gate with my three sacks full of washed up smelly plastic I turned around and spotted what looked like a giant mushroom in a clump of grass. It was round and white, I ran straight over to it, it was like the perfect gift! I had been drawing on bamboo fiber plates. This was the next stage in my drawing evolution; a 3d round drawing. It also had a beautiful meaning and story behind it. It was as if it held some of the energy of the sea inside it, the scrapes and scratches on the outside also added to its lovely surface that would take the ink.

After that I took regular walks to the Ibex beach to look for buoys. Most times I would find at least one to bring home to draw on. It was always such a surprise, they were all so different, so many different shades and sizes. In the beginning I found lots of yellows and oranges it was like they matched, they would seem to go through phases then I would find a new colour that I had never seen before. It reminds me of hunting for mushrooms when I was a child. I would enjoy the whole experience, the birds I would see the ever-changing shape of the beach itself, never the same, endlessly reinventing itself.

Written by Marianne Slevin

15 December, 2016 at 12:09 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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  1. Reblogged this on modernartandphotographyhenning and commented:
    Blog post by Marianne Slevin: Very interesting! A different view on things.


    15 December, 2016 at 4:24 pm

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