The secret gallery’s blog

Maybe the first secret gallery in Doolin, Co. Clare, Ireland

Posts Tagged ‘olympics

Olympics over! now what for Tibet?

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a little place in a big world

a little place in a big world

Its finally over, what happens now for Tibet? Will we see anything in the media now the farce that has been the Olympics closes its doors, lets see.

If you wish to do something you might look to these sites for some direction and maybe even find a little spark of passion, who knows? Good start page Ways you can help Take action

Written by James Slevin

25 August, 2008 at 11:03 am

Posted in Tibet

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Free your passion and Tibet!

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Truth be told I have forgotten Tibet. Just but a few months ago there was nothing but Tibet and the freeing of Tibet that I could think of, but, I forgot, no more Tibet, all gone. I am not quite sure how this happens, passion that is, and then the fading of passion. My passion for Tibet started in a town called Chiang Mai, in northern Thailand. It was in the morning, I was having coffee in the open downstairs restaurant of a hostel named the Golden Fern, a lovely place, simple, clean and friendly. The chef stroke philosopher and I where talking of Chinas influence on Thailand, well he was talking, I listening and thinking how great it was to meet someone with such real world experience and wisdom tucked away down a side alley behind a Formica bar painted blue. I must have been thinking more than listening as I don’t really recall what he said, but it was very wise I’m sure. At some point the Landlady placed a copy of the local paper on the bar and on the front page was an article containing the details of how the Olympic torch would be going through Bangkok in two days time on it´s way to China. I read it. At some point between the first word of that story and the last word, that’s where the passion started. I can remember it starting. I went from being happy and content in the direction my mind was in to single mindedly focused on the issue of disgust at Chinas bravado and pomp as regards the Olympics. Within two minutes I had booked a ticket on an overnight train to Bangkok some twelve hours away, I was going to protest!

Passion, its great, but it can get you into all sorts of trouble. Following that simple four or five minutes of time many events unfolded, protests in Bangkok  led to my meeting of ex Tibetan monks in Tibetan bars smoky from Hookah pipe and anguished talk of human rights atrocities in Tibet. T-shirts where made, banners held high, petitions passed along to giddy carefree backpackers who did not know there was even a problem in Tibet. Bangkok led to London where I met with people who cared about Tibet, I joined the “give peace a hand” march where thousands shared a handshake from the Dalai Lama to the Chinese embassy, who by the way did not open there doors to receive this peaceful act. Stones where painted with “Free Tibet” and placed all over as gentle reminders to the Tibetans struggle. I was a one man army, whilst the passion lasted.
I have forgotten Tibet, no more Tibet, all gone.
or is it?

Free Tibet Brighton

rocks on brighton beach

Khao San Road, Bangkok

khao san road, bangkok

united nations, bangkok

No torch in Tibet, united nations, bangkok

give peace a hand

Give peace a hand, London

Written by James Slevin

24 August, 2008 at 1:25 pm