The secret gallery’s blog

Maybe the first secret gallery in Doolin, Co. Clare, Ireland

Posts Tagged ‘Fanore

The Art Of Playing 24/7

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Baby Doll with Goose Barnacles by Marianne Slevin 2012


Baby Doll reaching for Goose Barnacles by Marianne Slevin 2012


Baby Doll with Driftwood and Goose Barnacles  by Marianne Slevin 2012


I play hard at being a visual artist, in fact I do it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year, there seems to be no off button !  Don’t get me wrong my play can get pretty serious, challenging and exhausting! Actually I started making art because I could express my more “heavy” and “intense” feelings without feeling like a freak, when I went to art college I met many intense characters! I tend to be a very serious person, though I can be very silly too! So my art tends to be very seriously playful! The work part of my practice is the other stuff that I have to do as an artist but I try to keep “work” out of the whole process of making art. We are obsessed with working, we work too hard and too much we should be living instead. Is this why to be a successful artist nowadays you have to spend way more time working on you career than making your art?  I want to stop calling my art “my work”. Art for me is inventing a new visual language, shape-shifting between different disciplines, merging art and our everyday life and going beyond it into fantasy and looking back into the past, all at the same time. Art is attempting the impossible, failing, achieving something unexpected, balancing our own will with chance. It is playing with life and exploring the world around us. Art is working on a personal level and a universal level without interruption. Art for me is about transformation, the process of art is transformative and I choose materials that are not considered “valuable” and through the creative process I aim to transform the simple materials into something meaningful and inspiring, drawing attention to the creative process. I invite the viewer to take a journey, and perhaps to feel this too. Art for me is about waking up fully.

I don’t want the audience to marvel at my talent at drawing or painting because I am so precise, for me that gets in the way. I would like the viewer to come away from my art feeling something, maybe inspired to be creative and inventive and imaginative and playful themselves. I have not set goals or aims for my art, in how it effects the viewer, I do think about it from time to time but I cannot control its outcome. The whole process of of my art is a game of control and lack of control, intention and accident, logic and intuition, knowing when to push away or pull towards, so inevitably this sort of dialogue will continue when the art leaves my hands too. I think these transformative acts ripples out into the universe in many ways.

I found this doll and driftwood with goose barnacles hanging off it last February. It was on my Birthday, I was walking on Fanore beach, it felt very apt and kind of funny, to find the little doll. So I lifted up the wood and placed the doll standing up underneath it, as if reaching up to pick a goose barnacle. The doll is one legged but is able to feed herself, it is a very unlikely situation! As was the chances of each of us being alive as a human being today on this planet, I have heard some very mind blowing comparisons of how unlikely our existence was, the chances of each of us being here and alive today as humans were extremely small. All of these weird and wonderful thoughts filter into my art somehow, often in very unexpected ways. The journey into the unknown is what keeps me making art. I really like going to a place and finding stuff that I would have never imagined being there, and doing something creative with it. I love being nicely surprised by the whole art making process.

Written by Marianne Slevin

15 April, 2012 at 8:39 am

Mother’s Day

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Some dried rose petals from Valentine’s day floated between bubbles,

Along with a yellow toy duck.

She started to put the wet rose petals around it,

she said she was trying to turn the duck into a rose.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Their first journey to the Green Road at Fanore,

It’s guardian a piebald cob with a green horse beard.

We walked along a perfect natural carpet edged with rocks.

Then to the fields, he took my hand,

to meet the enormous robots made from mighty stones.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Two Motherhood poems by Marianne Slevin

Written by Marianne Slevin

14 March, 2010 at 8:42 pm

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Between the Earth and the sky

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I took these photographs while we were at the beach in Fanore on one of the lovely sunny days we had a couple of weeks ago. I was fascinated by this idea of a person going up into the sky attached to little more than a whizzing wheel of metal some strong thread and large sleeping bag! I am not sure what exactly it is but there is something very magical about it!

Written by Marianne Slevin

29 September, 2009 at 10:34 pm

Walking the Green Road

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Yesterday morning I walked the old green Road, or at least some of it, between Fanore and Ballyvaughan. I noticed as I walked over the extremely uneven ground while looking up and around me, my feet knew how to place themselves on the earth, is this not a little strange, can our feet detect the lay of the land? I tested myself and made sure I could not see the what surface my feet would land on, it felt like they somehow knew how to land on the unpredictable surface of small rocks and earth I started running and it was amazing I still did not fall! I am not saying that it a larger bolder was in front of me that I would not run into it, but I believe that it is more then just our finely tuned bodies. The more logical among you will say that this is what our bodies are designed to do and it is nothing to do with anything metaphysical. I believe that it is both our physical bodes and our metaphysical bodies.I have been set the challenge of proving it! To me it is not only logical but impossible not to be so if we are indeed all part of the same thing, my finger knows what my hand is doing so why should not a person know where the surface of the earth is?

I enjoyed singing out loud, and watching the stone walls, they looked so playfully built; not formal but inventive and ever changing. I thought about leaving our sons sunglasses looking out through the hole in the wall, but decided that I better not leave something that would turn into litter even if it started off as art! I have been attempting to be much more playful in every day living including my art. I looked down the hill and saw a huge ledge of rock like a cart and was not sure if I saw or imagined a cart wheel where one should be if it were really a cart! I have been listening to lots of lectures by the late Alan Watts and really enjoying them. James my partner, started me off on them and now I think they are great, and very funny! I would really recommend them.

Written by Marianne Slevin

9 November, 2008 at 4:30 pm